Here we are again, starting another calendar year! I’m sending you yet another issue of Special Education Today and it’s the first one for 2024. You’re getting this message because you’ve subscribed (either free or paid—thank you!) or someone forwarded it to you. In case you’re getting the forwarded version, please create your own entry in the email database; its free; just click the button at the end of this paragraph. Thanks for reading!
You may skip this paragraph (it’s about the usual contents), if you wish. If you’re still reading, please be informed that this edition of the newsletter has (a) a table of contents listing the posts from last week, (b) a couple of notes about subscribers and their activities, and (c) a dash of commentary. There’s the advance organizer. Read on!
Table of contents
Here is the usual list of post from the previous week. There were eight posts for that last week in 2023.
Special Education Today Newsletter 3(26): Did you know that not much appeared on SET the week ending 24 December 2023?
US legislators find bipartisan issue: Children with disabilities: Can our kids unite people who usually demean each other?
Olds: Teach Effectively's purposes: What was posted on Teach Effectively 6 January 2005?
Celebrating Kwanza and more: What does this aging white southerner know about a newish celebration of winter solstice?Olds: The basis for determining effectiveness: What was posted on Teach Effectively 12 January 2005?
Drawing a line that's n 7ths of an foot: Does your solution match or exceed this one?
Olds: True?: What was posted on Teach Effectively 14 January 2005?
Birding with kids: How about taking kids out to see flying fauna?
Status and appreciation
This being the first issue of the calendar year, it’s probably a good time to let folks know some facts about subscriptions. Three subscribers went for a walk last week, so SET is just shy of 650 subscribers (with just a shade more than 40 paying for the ride). Whenever there is growth, it’s thanks to SET’s dear readers. To y’all who drop a Tweet on Twitter or mention SET in a FB post, thank you! Your actions help other parents, special educators, and advocates learn about SET, and I welcome those other folks to read SET. I just hope that the content I’m publishing is attractive enough that the folks y’all alert about it will want to subscribe!
Anyway, please keep clicking on those share buttons (and equivalents). Not each share will increase the base of addresses, but I appreciate your help.
Speaking of interacting with SET, I’d like to thank all y’all who subscribe and read SET. For dropping “likes,” I’d especially like to flash the old electrons to Adelaide D., Allison L., Angelique W., Joel M., and Ronnie D. (well, actually, because my buddy passed away a few months ago, I suspect this is Cheryl D. logging in as Ronnie ). And thanks to all those whom I missed.
I am omitting the usual editorial comments in this issue. Instead, I extend to the SET community my best wishes and my hopes that folks have a healthy and happy new year. Feliz ano novo! Feliz año nuevo! Buon anno! Bonne année! 新年快乐.1 Chúc mừng năm mới! And, for those readers “down under”: Have a good one, mates!
OK (okay?)?
Now, here are my recommendations about your behavior. I know that it’s a bit presumptuous to make them, but I hope you understand that I make them because I want good outcomes for the readers of SET. Wear your seatbelts, take steps to stay healthy, and help others stay healthy. Please teach your children systematically and explicitly (including teaching them how to behave safely while watching birds).
SET Editor guy
SET should not be confused with a product with the same name that is published by the Council for Exceptional Children nor other products with similar names. SET predated other publication by decades. Despite my appreciation for CEC and the efforts by others to promote special education, this product is not designed to promote other organizations or publications.
Is that the correct one for this time of year? Anyway, remember that the lunar new year is coming soon!