Marty Kaufman award nominations open
Who is a deserving early career researcher for this prestigious award?
The Division for Research of the Council for Exceptional Children is seeking nominations for the Martin J. Kaufman Distinguished Early Career Research Award. For those with long and strong memories, you may recall that we just had a post right here on Special Education Today celebrating Marty’s birthday and some of his accomplishments. So, thinking about this award is perfectly fitting!
Previous recipients of this award include highly accomplished contributors to the research literature (some of them might-maybe read SET pretty regularly):
Elizabeth Bettini
Mathew Brock
Robin Parks Ennis
Nicholas Gage
Sara McDaniel
Chad Rose
Sarah Powell
Erin Barton
Christopher Lemons
Brian Boyd
I’m antsy about posting this list, as I don’t think it goes back far enough to capture all the recipients. Consult the DR Web page for more info about each of these recipients (use disclosure triangles to reveal brief statements).
I’m pretty sure I took photos of lots of these folks as they received their awards, but I don’t want to post an incomplete list.
When you visit the DR site, peruse the pages about other awards and activities of this excellent organization. They also know how to have a good time, so show up at the parties DR holds annually.

(Disclosure: I was an officer in DR about 30 years ago, but it’s not paying me to post this quasi-advertisement for it.)