I had the pleasure of meeting Jim at the BKC, most recently in Florence this June. May his work and his memory be a blessing to all.

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John, you did a fine job summarizing a monumental contribution to our field by a passionate, knowledgeable, and prolific man. He has impacted so many others that his legacy will live on through all that we have learned from him and all that we do to impact the field of special education.

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Thank you, John for your comprehensive and personal eulogy. Along with his many friends and colleagues, I mourn Jim's passing, but I also celebrate his life and dedication to our field and the children we serve. His impact on that will endure.

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Mike, you and Jim might be compared to the proverbial peas in a pod. You were probably Jim's longest-standing academic pal. Hugs for you, my friend.

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It has been a great honor to know, write, argue (in the best way possible), and break bread with Jim on many occasions. It is a privilege to help carry on his legacy with the Badar-Kauffman Conference. His work and advocacy will last for years to come. My deepest sympathy to all his loved ones.

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Thank you, John, for the lovely tribute to Kim. I had pleasure of getting my Ph.D. at UVA and working with several great mentors, including Dr. Jim Kauffman. Jim was always supportive and friendly. I helped him move once and he gave me a signed copy of one of his many textbooks which I still have on my office bookshelf today. He was part of a larger community of scholars at UVA at the time who made all of us better students and professionals. He always treated us as colleagues, not just as students. I showed him a paper once for his feedback and he recommended that I have John Lloyd work on it with me. I did, of course, and that paper ended up getting published. This was just one example of him playing a background roll in helping students and colleagues do great things. Yes, having a paper published with Dr. Lloyd was a great thing, especially for a graduate student trying to make his mark in the field among giants. Thank you, Jim, for all you did for our special education community and for all the help you gave me over the years. You made a difference and we are all grateful. I am grateful. Peace and love to your family and friends.

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I consider myself beyond fortunate to have been in Dr. Kauffman's class at UVA (1994-1996) as part of my master's program. Before I left, he encouraged me to come back to pursue a doctorate. It took me a really long time, but I am in a program now that I love. He had a powerful and positive impact on my life and on the lives of so many. My heartfelt condolences to his family and friends.

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Angelique, this is such a nice recollection. Jim encouraged many people to pursue graduate studies and helped them when they did so. Let me just do a poor imitation of Jim here: "You go girl!"

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