Special Education Today Newsletter 3(22)
The week’s contents for 20 November 2023 (and maybe a little opinion)
Dear readers,
Here’s this week’s newsletter for Special Education Today. I have what I hope is some content many (most!) of you will find valuable or, at least, interesting. As usual, the newsletter includes a table of contents for the past week, some notes, and a bit of commentary at the end. I presume that readers will find this organization familiar.
Last year at this time—see Special Education Today Newsletter 2(25)—we were celebrating accomplishments of some contributors to the academic aspects special education. Melody Tankerley and Tim Landrum (who are perhaps too closely associated with SET for their own comfort) had given plenary talks at the annual meeting of Teacher Educators of Children with Behavior Disorders1, a meeting that’s associated with the Division for Emotional and Behavioral Health of the Council for Exceptional Children.
Before I get to the table of contents (which is, I guess, just a skeleton of the actual contents), let me drop in a photo from this past week. This decoration must have escaped Halloween and is still on the loose.

Here’s the ToC for the past week
As always, please remember that you can find the latest SET posts by simply going to the main page at https://www.specialeducationtoday.com.
Special Education Today Newsletter 3(21)—Did you miss anything last week on SET?
E. Oster on pooping—Should I have used a. more technical term?
Happy Tnx Day!—It is appropriate to say "thank you," right?
Professor bemoans failing his students and community—Will his perspective help society to address gun violence?
O. Lovell on a study of acquiring teaching skills—Do people learn more about teaching from conceptual study or behavioral practice?
Some more about E. Hansford and "Sold a Story"—Do you think that journalistic assessment of reading instruction deserved awards?
Flashes of the electrons
Thanks to SET pals who interacted with the magazine over the past week. Tip o’ the cap for commenting, liking, clicking through, and sharing to Jane B., Bonnie B., Jocelyn W., Susan d., Mary Anne L., Dan H., John U., Jeanne K., Mike N., Clay K, Susan O., Ley D., Joel M., Bob L., Adelaide D., Larry M., and all you others whom I’ve missed in this listing. And, special thanks to Mike G. and Li-Yu H., with whom I’ve corresponded to express my appreciation for their support.
Coming soon!
I plan to create a new feature. It will appear not exactly weekly (i.e., irregularly?) but it will be snippets of items I come across as I research full posts, read news, and the like. These posts will be something like Passing notes: late August 2023. I’m working on generating a database of potential bits to drop into the posts and on a naming convention for them.
I promised a solution to the puzzle I posted for everyone on 18 November 2023. So far, no one (not any among > 600 readers) has posed a possible solution. There’s still time to submit a solution. In case it’s just too tough, here are two hints: (a) if you can draw a line that’s 1/7th of a foot, submit that solution; (b) avoid following the red herring of having access to a calculator.
Meanwhile, let me review the usual admonitions: (a) Wear your seatbelts! (b) Get boosted, keep safe social distances, wash your hands, use masks necessary, and protect your family and friends, ‘cause there’s not just COVID-19 but also RSV lurking. (c) Please, teach your children well.
SET Editor guy
SET should not be confused with a product with the same name that is published by the Council for Exceptional Children. SET predated CEC’s publication by decades. Despite my appreciation for CEC, this product is not designed to promote that organization.
The meeting for 2023 has already passed, but you can learn what happened by consulting the overview. There were lots of wonderful folks involved in 2023 as well, including Alfredo Artilies, Ashley MacSuga‐Gage, Bev Johns, Bill Therrien, Bryan Cook, Catherine Bradshaw, Dan Losen, Dan Maggin, David Lee, David Royer, Greg Benner, J. T. Taylor, Jim Fox, Jim Kauffman, Jo Henderson. John Hosp, Kathleen Lane, Kelly Carrero, Kristine Jolivette, Lauren Collins, Lydia Beam, Mitch Yell, Sarup Mathur, Tim Landrum, Vicky VanUitert, and Wendy Peia Oakes…many of whom are readers of SET!