During its lifetime, as you wonderful regular readers know, I’ve some times provided (bored you with?) posts about birds and birding. Assuming that a couple of you (okay, okay, maybe one of you) might like to go back to one or more of those posts, I’ve assembled here a quasi-index of links to those posts.
Posts about birds
Please do not infer intent or purpose in the order of the links. Which one is first or third doesn’t matter.
Birds are sometimes only mentioned in these posts; they may not be the primary feature of any particular post.
Also, please note that this listing is almost certainly incomplete. I’ve overlooked some posts with references.
This list was generated 27 May 2024. Given that it is retrospective, posts about ornithology that I published between that date and the date when you are reading this will not have been included…search on your own.
Eye candy
Have you ever seen a bird sneeze? The Great Crested Flycatcher (Myiarchus crinitus) in this video does so. We have had a nesting pairs since maybe 2017 (they may or may not be lifetime mates, but the same two birds may form a pair repeatedly over years); they’ve used drain pipes (thanks, Jim K.) for nesting.
Great Crested Flycatchers breed in (roughly) the eastern half of North America, so those readers living elsewhere on Earth will have to travel to the area to see them live or settle for images. Entries about GC Flycathers on ABCBirds (American Bird Conservancy, AllAboutBirds (Cornell Lab), Audubon, BirdZilla, and (obviously) Wikipedia.