M. Stein interviewed about Project Follow Through
Do you want a good introduction or a brush-up on this important quasi-experiment?
Project Follow Through was a 1960s-70s US effort to ascertain whether different popular educational approaches could capitalize on benefits that children received from Head Start programs. Over on Chalk and Talk, Anna Stokke interviewed Marcy Stein about Project Follow Through and the clearly superior benefits show by the 1000s of students who received Direct Instruction as a result of participating in the study.
Professor Stokke, the host of Chalk and Talk, is a professor at the University of Winnipeg (Manitoba, CA). She asked Professor Stein a lot of good questions about DI. I expect the answers Professor Stein provided will be familiar to a few readers but may surprise others.
This link will take you to a Web page about the episode of Chalk and Talk. This one will take you to the podcast, itself. There is a link for additional resources on the Web page.
Readers of Special Education Today may recall the photos I posted about Professor Stein 22 March 2024. They’re available in the post, Friday photos—Marcy Stein got away: What do special educators do for fun?
I posted a note on 12 August 2023 about how many children were behind grade level in reading for each of the different Follow Through models: See Some early reading approaches yield fewer failing students: Which approaches have fewer learners a year or more behind? I included synopses about many of the model programs that were implemented in Project Follow Through. Readers might find that post of interest.
For another interview with Professor Stein, please see the SET post from 22 May 2024. There is a link there to a conversation she had with Zach Groshell: Podcast: DI math: Isn't DI only about early reading for kids who are poor and have disabilities?