Guidance and a Webinar on analyzing behavior issues
How about an opportunity to learn more about FBAs and FAs?
For those who have ever wondered, “Why does she keep doing that over and over again?” Using behavior analytic methods, educators can ascertain what factors are maintaining behavior. There are loads of studies examining functional behavior assessment or functional analyses—they are evidence-based practices.
In “Using Functional Behavioral Assessments to Create Supportive Learning Environments,” the US Department of Education explained why functional assessments and analyses reduce the need for punitive interactions and exclusion.
They permit educators not only to comply with legal requirements and to individualize instruction in ways that lead to behavioral support plans that are beneficial for student outcomes. The linked document provides valuable guidance.
To support the effort to employ functional analyses, ED will provide a Webinar entitled ED Releases Guidance to Better Support Students’ Behavioral Needs. ED will host the webinar on Dec. 3, from 1-2 p.m. ET. (Check the site for replay information.) Because it includes content aimed at general ed educators, this document and Webinar might be an especially valuable resource for those who are working on collaboration.
Readers may also want to review resources from SET (some are available to paying subscribers only) about FBAs and FA: (a) Behavior Management #5: ABCs about misbehavior in more detail, (b) Behavior Management #6, (c) Behavior management #7: Analyzing functions of behavior, and (d) Griffith et al. guidance about FBAs in secondary schools. Also, search the archives for more.