Under the auspices of the American Enterprise Institute, an organization examining public policy, Robert Pondiscio is leading a (apparently free) discussion of Direct Instruction. The session is entitled “Reviving the Lost Art of Direct and Explicit Instruction,” and it is slated for Thursday 12 September 2024 beginning at 4:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time (8:00 PM UTC and some whacky hour for those from Oz).
Zach Groshell (likely familiar to readers of Special Education Today) will provide an introductory presentation. Mr. Pondiscio, author of How the Other Half Learns, will then lead a panel discussion with Kurt Engelmann (author of Direct Instruction: A Practitioner’s Handbook1) and Patrice M. Bain (co-author of Powerful Teaching). (I pointed to resources from both Drs. Groshell and Engelmann in an earlier post about DI).
Readers interested in registering for the event should go to “Reviving the Lost Art of Direct and Explicit Instruction” to learn more and to find a link to a registration form. I have a conflict that will keep me from attending the entire session, but I hope to be there for the first 50 minutes of so.

That’s the best dang book on DI in a long time!