OK, folx. Welcome to this edition of the usual newsletter for Special Education Today.
I’m kicking back for Christmas.

Note the injury on the right ring finger; it was from a failure to use the guard when I was slicing potatoes with my mandolin a few days earlier. ( “Stupid, stupid me,” as a child named David used to say when he made a mistake. I had David in a class in, say, 1971-73; he was a sweet kid, and I hope he’s doing well today.)
You may also note that I let my barber, Sonny (Bill Therrien can point to him), trim my eyebrows for the first time in > 10 years.
There are no rah-rahs for those who commented, liked, and tweeted in this week’s newsletter (but there still is appreciation—tnx!). There is no ToC. And this text must stand as the commentary! Still, let me paraphase Thomas Paine1 (an ardent advocate of the American “revolution”): “The sunshine educator will shrink from the service of his or her duty; but those who stand by it now, deservs the love and thanks of man and woman.”
Hugs and love (and admonishment to teach your children well)…and peace.