Accessibility today and tomorrow
What's going on beyond inclusion in the broader world of access?
Updated: I provided an inaccurate link to the Microassist resources about media presence and how to sign up for the newsletter. Those errors have been corrected in this revision Thanks to Jack for alerting me about the error. —JohnL
Jack McElaney provides a news source on accessibility. I subscribe and read it regularly and encourage others to do so as well. It’s international in reach: Africa, India, UK, Australia. It’s not just about kids, but the matters he covers often have implications for our students. Readers can learn about MicroAssist in the media, subscribe to its newsletter, and watch this video on YouTube.
I’ve sent Mr. McElaney an inquiry about how he covers cognitive accessibility. It seems like a relevant aspect of the broader topic of access for some individuals with disabilities…like what are the barriers to people being able to reach or access print, numerical comparisons, discussions of morality, communication of their opinions about socio-political matters?